Monday, August 23, 2010

Home Again

Well, friends, I am back home from Russia and it is very bitter-sweet. Though I love seeing my family, drinking water from tap and knowing I get to go to my church this Sunday, I am really missing Russia. The orphans were amazing and adorable. My team is awesome and I have made some great friends. Russia, as you probably guessed, is very, very different from the USA, but in it's own way, it was a piece of heaven. The accommodations were better than expected, though in US standards, not super fantastic- of course, we didn't expect super fantastic as this was a mission trip after all, not a spa vacation! :). However, material amenities were not important as the greatest thing we could do is spend time with kids and with each other.

I am exhausted, haven't eaten in 24 hours and a little overwhelmed with all that needs to be done as well as the idea of going back to work this week. But I am trying to focus on all the good that came out of our trip. Praise God for all he as done in us and through us.

I will be providing a much more detailed account of the trip soon. I will also have photos here and on my facebook page. In the meantime, you can check out the following pages for photos and videos.

Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Grace & Peace,

♥♥ Janessa

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