Monday, May 24, 2010

First Russia Team Meeting!

Well, last Thursday was the first Team Meeting for our Russia Team! Not everyone was able to make it, but it was nice to put some names and faces together!

We started out by having pizza and introducing ourselves. I think we have a good mix of people. Both genders, a good range of ages and very different backgrounds, which is nice. I know God brought together this specific group of people because of what we can offer.

We went over some information about the trip- more details about the itinerary (which I will post once I get the new version), got our paperwork for our Visa's and filled out a sheet stating our preferences/likes, etc.

Finally, we split up into groups and prayed for each other, for the orphans, for the caretakers of the orphans and for our trip. Next time we meet we will start planning exactly what we are doing to do with the kids!

Here's something I didn't know- in Russia, orphans are looked at like 2nd or 3rd class citizens. They are not respected. Furthermore, the people who lovingly take care of said orphans are also looked down on and treated with little or no respect because they associate with the orphans!

In the USA we tend to feel pity for those in the foster care system and those without stable or living parents, but for the most part I think that the majority of society is impressed with and think highly of the foster parents or foster care system workers. I had no idea that they were all considered a different "class" of people. It breaks my heart :(

So, it will be nice to love on the kids and also love and show how much we respect the workers!

I will update you all after our next meeting. In the meantime- THANK YOU to everyone who helped me get the funds for the airfare! I still need about $1800 before I have everything covered and then I will start working on getting the supplies we need to bring with us! I have a long way to go, so prayer and financial support is VERY much appreciated!

♥ Janessa

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

PictuRes for Russia

Ok, so I couldn't do a double R this week, but I tried. haha.

Anyway, if you are in the West Michigan area, check out this wonderful promotion that Evergreen Photography Studios is doing to support my trip to Russia!

Contact Michelle Curnow (yes, my sister-in-law and VERY talented photographer) to schedule your session! If you can't make it on either of these Saturdays, call for an appointment and don't forget to mention me & my trip! ALL proceeds go towards funding my trip and I still have quite a ways to go!

It's a win-win-win- you get FANTASTIC photos, Evergreen Photography Studios gets your business and I get money to go towards my trip to Russia! Can't pass up this great deal!

Also, don't forget to check out my previous blogs, like this one, this one or even this one for more details!

♥ Janessa